Aitkens Butcher & Deli

In Alloa high street, J & W Aitken’s family butcher is a popular choice for locals! From pork and apple burgers to lamb cutlets, they cater for everyone’s taste buds. 

In a recent Facebook post the butchers gave “ 5 reasons to shop with them” they wrote: 

Choice: We consider ourselves to be modern traditional butchers which offer a huge variety of delicious products.

Service: Our staff apply well-trusted knowledge of the trade and are ready to pass on any advice needed on cuts, preparations and cooking.

Flexibility: Cooking for one or for the family, we’ve got you covered.

Sustainability: We buy from specialist producers, local people who share our passion for good food. Shopping at your local Butchers shows support for your local economy.

Quality: We take pride in supplying the finest meat and produce in a friendly and knowledgeable environment.

We know we agree with this! Upon winning many awards it’s no surprise that it’s a local favourite all-around clacks and hillfoots. 

Shop their fresh products on our Alloa First shop today on:


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