[vc_row full_width=”stretch_row_content_no_spaces”][vc_column][vc_single_image image=”131″ img_size=”full” alignment=”center”][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]Alloa is buzzing with community life and activities. The town centre has lots of useful charities and organisations that can help you as residents or visitors. Right in the heart of the town is the Speirs Centre which is both the main county library, registrar and archives of the area. Built by the former liberal-minded mill owners, as a swimming pool and recreation centre for their workers, it is the ideal place for anyone to start on their journey round the town. There you can find out family history information or grab a leaflet on the heritage, walks and wellbeing activities on offer in the town and around the Wee County.


Situated further down the town just off Mar Street, the Connect Centre provides a base for two important charities aimed at helping local people and those new to life in Clacks: Clackmannanshire Third Sector Interface (CTSI) who will offer information on volunteering, community groups and activities around the county. Clackmannanshire Citizen’s Advice Bureau provide welfare support and help on any financial or legal issues.


Following round on Burgh Mews, you will come to Bank Street which houses more important local charities including Clackmannanshire Tenants’ and Residents’ Association which will help with any landlord or tenants’ association issues and they share an office with our local Clackmannanshire Credit Union which offer loans and saving options for local people and businesses. Also on Bank Street the national mental health charity Wellbeing Scotland are based, with APEX and Unison.


At the end of Mar Street, Ochil View Housing Association has its main office where applications or issues can be can be made for their tenancies.


The town also houses some great bargain shops supporting more valued local and national charities like Strathcarron Hospice, Homestart Clacks, Wellbeing Scotland, British Red Cross, Salvation Army, Marie Curie and Sense. The full list can be found in the Buy the Good Stuff leaflet produced by CTSI.


Entertainment is brought throughout the year to Alloa Town Hall including the amazing Forefront Stage School based in the town centre, providing stage, dance and singing training for all ages. The annual pantomime and summer musicals are big hits involving hundreds of young people every year and thousands fill the seats locally. More information can be found at. Dance Royals, based in the Liberal Club on Mar Street also offer summer clubs, dance lessons and personal training. Many of the local stage, music and dance groups are involved in the annual Christmas Lights event which is a special family day enjoyed by everyone.


Finally Alloa is famous for its amazing array of churches, some of which dated back hundreds of years and boast wonderful stained glass and interesting building features and stonework. These include Alloa Elim, Alloa Ludgate, St Mungos RC, and St Mungos Parish. Moncrieff Church on Bedford Place, opposite the Sheriff Court also has a wonderful secret garden open to the public enjoy – so when the shopping day is over, pop along for restful moment of peace.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column][vc_custom_heading text=”Living Alloa Project” use_theme_fonts=”yes”][vc_raw_html]aHR0cHMlM0ElMkYlMkZ3d3cueW91dHViZS5jb20lMkZ3YXRjaCUzRnYlM0RDR3A5eTVmLTU4QQ==[/vc_raw_html][vc_column_text]Over the last two years, Alloa First and CTSI have been working closely with Clackmannanshire Council on the Living Alloa project (Living Alloa Project (clacks.gov.uk) which aims to help regenerate Alloa town centre to help local people, visitors and the new older residents who will be moving into the Kingdom Housing Association Primrose Street housing development.

The regeneration work aims to make the town centre safer, easier to walk around and socialise in and includes the improvement of the passageway through by the TSB bank, crossing at King Street, linkage through to Forth Valley College and improve the socialising area just off Bank Street. It also includes the redevelopment of the former toilets at Maple Court to be a new Alloa Hub.

For more information, please contact Anthea Coulter at anthea.coulter@ctsi.org.uk or Diane Brown at diane@alloafirst.co.uk for more information and how you can get involved and be part of this new and exciting economic revival development for Clackmannanshire.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]